Jesus gave us two
parables which illustrate the stance of the heart which leads to becoming a
Follower, an Apprentice, and ultimately, a Lover of His! They also illustrate what He meant when He
said the teacher, the ‘scribe,’ the scholar of the Kingdom teaches from the
realities of life as we know it, who brings out of the “storeroom” of the soul “new
treasures as well as old” {13:52}.
First, He said in
Matthew 13:44, “The Kingdom of Heaven is
like treasure hidden in a field. When a
man found it, he hid it again, and
then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
Secondly, He said in v. 45, “Again,
the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it,” v. 46.
These two little
parables— stories ‘thrown down’ beside life: the temporal to illustrate the
eternal, the physical to illuminate the spiritual— perfectly express the stance
of a man or woman’s heart who chooses
Life in the Kingdom of God alongside the Son of God. As Dallas Willard so perfectly stated, “The
sense of the goodness to be achieved
by this choice, of the opportunity”
which “may be missed, the love for
the value discovered, the” passion and “joy over it all, is exactly the same as
it was for those who were drawn to Jesus in those long-ago days when He” walked
among us in flesh, blood, and bones. It’s also the stance of the soul from which
discipleship can be clearly chosen this
very day.
Now, put the often
feared ‘cost of discipleship’ in
light of these two parables. You think the businessman who found the
great pearl was sweating over its cost?
What about the poor laborer who found the “treasure hidden in the field”?
In our day it might be oil or natural gas, but what if it were gold,
silver, precious stones buried there by an invading army? Does
it look like he was worried about its cost?
The only thing these cats were sweating— the one thing consuming their consciousness— was whether they could
‘get the deal done’! Now that
is the soul of a Disciple!
No one goes sadly {‘Oh
woe is me’}, reluctantly {‘Aagghh, I don’t know why I did this’}, fearfully
into apprenticeship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
As the God-Man Himself said, “No
one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back
is fit for service in the Kingdom of
God” {Lk. 9:62}. Nobody goes in
bemoaning the cost. Serious Students understand
the opportunity and its eternal ramifications. And one of the things which has obscured the
Path of Discipleship in our post-modern Christian circles is this very idea: it
will be incredibly difficult and will most certainly ruin what you call ‘your life.’
The entire point of
these two parables— along with Jesus’ straight shot in Luke 14:26-27 that those
who come to him must ‘hate’ their families, even their own lives, carry their
cross and follow in His footsteps— is as long as we think anything may be more valuable than intimacy with Him under His rule
and reign we cannot learn from Him or His Spirit.
the cost is to bring us to the point of clarity
and decision. To help us see with the eyes of Eternity, from an eternal perspective. Counting the cost is precisely what the man
with the pearl and the hidden treasure did.
Out of it came joy, passion, and decision! It’s joy and
decision which are the outcomes of the cost-counting.
passage in Luke, just like the parables, is about clarity.
It’s not about misery, or some incredibly dreadful price one must pay to
be Jesus’ Apprentice. There’s no such
thing as a dreadful price for the ‘pearl’ of the Kingdom. And “unless we see clearly the superiority of
what we receive as His students over every
other thing that might” possibly be
valued in this life we cannot succeed in following His footsteps. This
stance of the soul, the surrender of
the human heart, to Jesus’ love, mercy, rule, authority and dominion, is the
single greatest key to drawing on the
resources of His Kingdom!
Ric Webb | Shepherd
Heart’s Journey
9621 Tall Timber
Blvd. | Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296
Heart’s Journey – Live Generously and Love Graciously
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