One of Rome’s greatest
orators, the philosopher, lawyer and unabashed ‘constitutionalist’ Marcus
Tullius Cicero {106-43 BC} once said: “A nation can survive its fools, and even
the ambitious. But it cannot survive
treason from within. An enemy at the
gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within
the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in
the very halls of government itself. For
the traitor appears not a traitor; he
speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their
arguments [Liberal or Conservative, Socialist or Capitalist], he appeals to the
baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men [Personal enrichment,
self-centredness, and self-preservation at all costs.]. He rots
the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine
the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer
resist. A murderer is less to fear. The
traitor is the plague.” {Bracketed commentary mine}.
Are we safer than we
were fifteen years ago? Are we stronger
than we were fifteen years ago? Are we
better off than we were a decade and a half back? Or just more easily herded into the stifling
pens of un-liberty, the cramped confining spaces of ‘government knows what’s
best’? Whoever was behind the vicious attacks upon our sovereignty and the
subsequent attacks upon our liberties knew full well that if enough hysteria
could be stirred up in a nation the size of the US, with its population and its
vast wealth, if you could strike enough fear
in the hearts of its people, we would accept anything. Any curtailing of
our liberties in the name of ‘safety,’ any expenditure of national treasure in
the name of ‘security.’ And we have... we have.
We stand now on the
very edge, teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. In
more ways than one. We’re not only
financially bankrupt as a nation and deeply indebted to Communist China and
globalist bankers, but spiritually, ethically, emotionally and
relationally. We have lost our sense of
faithfulness and fidelity to Causes true and right; we have lost our identity
as a People of honor, of integrity, of courage and conviction. We as the Body of Christ have lost a firm
grasp on what it means “love the Lord”
with all we are and “one another” as He loves us. We’re wandering in a wilderness ...with no
exit in sight.
coming election is the Day of Decision for the United States of America. We stand upon the precipice, balancing
precariously on the balls of our feet.
We can return to our foundation
of Freedom and Faith in the God of all Grace, or we can plunge ourselves into
an abyss from which there will be no
return. This is our moment in His-Story, the moment when we decide our destiny. God has
put it firmly in our hands, asking as He has been for the past half-century,
“Which Path will you choose? Freedom and
Life... or Destruction and Death?” Our situation is just this serious, and
just this simple.
While we watch and
witness, hearing with alarm the death throes of a dying nation, those last
gasps of the American Empire, my one prayer for this November is: “God, give us
what we need, and not what we
deserve. Have mercy on us, Lord. And spark
the fires of service and sacrifice within us so they burn like a
Beacon of Hope to a world bound in darkness and death. Do not cast us from Thy sight, Abba, or turn Thy back upon us. Refresh our spirits, renew our strength, and
lead us on to glory and greatness. For Your Name’s sake. Amen!”
Will you pray this with me, as we
lay down our lives at the feet of our King?
Ric Webb | Shepherd
Heart’s Journey
9621 Tall Timber
Blvd. | Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296
Heart’s Journey – Live Generously and Love Graciously
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