In Revelation 16:15 the King over all
Kings and Lord of all Lords say’s, “Behold,
I come like a thief. Blessed is he
who stays awake…,” blessed is the one who keeps his eyes open at
all times. Our Lord is describing for us
as His Followers a spirit of vigilance and vision, an attentive awareness to this
moment in Life. Paul wrote along these
same lines in Romans 13:11-12 and said, “Do this, understanding the
present Time. The hour has come for you
to wake from your slumber [‘For the men and women of God to be stirred
from their spiritual lethargy.’ We could
define this as apathy, indifference, and complacency: our insensitivity to the
things of the Spirit.], because our salvation is nearer now than
when we first believed [What he’s saying is, ‘There is not a moment to
waste. The Parousia of Christ is right
around the corner.’]. The night
is nearly over; the Day is almost here [‘Day’ of victory for the Royal
Battalion and evaluation at the Throne of God].
So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the
Armor of Light.”
The “Armor of Light” which was designed
for us to shine the glory and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ into a world grown
dark with the shadow of the Enemy is our role {designated by God} as Men and Women. It is our Biblical Masculinity, and for the
ladies, their God-given Femininity. Each
has a part, each has a place, each has a unique and wonderful role to play in
the Divine Drama of human history. We
understand this is more than just Act II, Scene I of some high school play;
this is real life in real Time in a real Conflict with real casualties. All you have to do is take a look around you
at the state of marriages and families and churches and relationships in the
world today to see that something has gone horribly wrong.
What does it take to make a man or
woman— forged in the Father’s
image ...which is Jesus— and what might this person look like to the
world around them? This is a serious,
and seriously relevant, question in a society full of little boys and girls in
‘big people bodies.’ The New Testament
term most closely connected with Abba’s
adoption of us as His chosen Sons and Daughters is huios, a word expressing privilege and position in the family, a
word expressing ‘sonship,’ identity, and maturity {Rom. 8:14}. I.e., Abba
sees us now as full grown Sons and Daughters.
The last thing Jesus wants is to be dragging a ten-mile train of four
year olds kicking and screaming into Eternity!
The time to mature into, and walk faithfully in, our Sonship… is now.
Allow me to state what is to most of us
the ‘obvious:’ it’s entirely possible your father may have failed {maybe terribly} to instruct you, to guide you,
to lead you down this Path. After all,
no father on Earth is perfect. Your
human father may not have even been around; he may have cut and run like so
many others. When you were a child, or
in the midst of that vast nether-world, those years Pete Townsend and Roger
Daltry called the “teenage waste-land.” As horrible, as hurtful as that was, it doesn’t
have to define who you are now.
Because I can tell you it hasn’t stopped your heavenly Father from
loving you as you are, from providing for you where you are, and from
protecting you until you’re in a position such as this: where, having realized
you were helpless and hopeless to scale the peaks of life alone, you can
discover what He wants you to be. And
all Abba has in store for those who
follow Him.
This is critical, because we need the
intervention of someone who can teach us, someone who can train us in how to
be— like King David of old— men and women “after” Abba’s “own heart.” We know this,
from the heartbreakingly sad state of our horribly failed social experiment
over the past 50 years: A woman can
never teach a boy how to be a man. Femininity
can never bestow masculinity …much less Biblical masculinity. And vice-versa. What the Body of Christ needs at this stage
in the Game, and the world at large, is good
Kings and Queens, a passionate People of God willing to share their lives,
their strength, and the years of collective wisdom, in the Cause of their King
and for the blessing of His Body. The
man or woman who trains you, teaches you, disciples you into manhood or
womanhood, must be one who has been
there and who knows how to take you
there. Thus, in the end, the greatest
example we can look to is the Lord Jesus Christ, the King over all Kings, the
most magnificently Tender-Warrior to ever walk the Earth.
Ric Webb | Shepherd
Heart’s Journey Community
9621 Tall Timber
Blvd. | Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296 |
Heart’s Journey – where the Word and the Spirit are one.
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