Friday, September 19, 2014

Be Courageous In the Conflict.

From the Apostle’s third battlefield directive in 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, the command to “act like men,” to “be men of courage,” to “be courageous in the Conflict, we can discern a Path which will lead us there, a Path to Manhood or Womanhood as the Children of God.  The Path looks like this:
[1] Compliance in the Word {submission to divine authority}.  When the Word speaks, we listen; when listening, we believe; once believed, we act.
[2] Character of Christ {the Word at work}.  The wisdom, counsel, commands …they all belong to God; obedience belongs to us, and we have to own what’s ours.
[3] Conviction in Life {knowing what you believe... and believing what you know}.
[4] Commitment to the Cause {staying true to what you’ve trusted}.  This is critical.  Because if we don’t believe it enough to live it, it’s worthless.  In fact, it’s worse than that: it becomes our curse.
[5] Courage in the Conflict {unafraid to face reality}.  Ohhh, how the world needs this now.  Men, I would suggest we are here to do just this: face reality and deal with it, as it is and not as we want it to be.
The fourth phrase Paul uses from his warfare terminology is “be strong,” or lit., ‘keep increasing in strength, in resolve.’  How?  In the Lord’s might and by His power.  Ephesians 6:10 says, “be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.”  Paul states the reason he bows his knees before the Father on behalf of the Ephesians is so that “out of His glorious riches [His limitless resources] He would strengthen” them “with power through His Spirit in” their “the inner being” {3:16}.  Guess what the word for “strengthen” is there?  Krataioo = same term.  As you receive it from the Source, as you draw on the resources of the Spirit {Eph. 3:16; 6:10}, keep growing in the “grace and knowledge of” your “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” {2 Pet. 3:18}.  And don’t ever let up.  Let God give you the stamina to press onward and upward and to finish the Fight, to run your race with endurance {Phi. 3:12-14; 2 Tim. 4:7-8}.
These are the orders of a superior officer to the soldiers under his command.  He began this passage with two commands in the active voice, followed by one in the middle voice {the voice of personal benefit}, and one in the passive voice {the receiving of divine strength}.  They’re designated in this order because when we make the decisions to ‘live alert’ and to ‘hold our ground’ against the onslaught of evil we find the courage to ‘play the man,’ to be the men we were born to be.  And it is in this arena of courageous desire for Christ that His strength is fully realized in our souls, and fully released into the lives of others.
Let me paraphrase this for you.  “As a sentinel in the Spirit, be ever on guard, ever-alert, ever-vigilant.  When under attack, stand fast in the Faith and yield not an inch!  In time of battle, play the Hero!  You’re fully equipped and carefully trained, now receive Christ’s strength and fight for your King!” {RR Exp}.
Ric Webb  |  Shepherd
Heart’s Journey Community
9621 Tall Timber Blvd. |  Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296 |
Heart’s Journey – where the Word and the Spirit are one.

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