Friday, February 3, 2017

Faithful With Our Flaws.

“Those of us who are mature should keep taking this viewpoint, keep taking the mindset of maturity, and if on some point you think differently {RRExp}, “if in anything you have a different attitude” {NAS}, the Apostle say’s, that too God will make clear to you” {Phil. 3:15 NIV}.  This is a 1st class condition in the Greek, meaning the statement made is assumed to be true.  “If in anything you have a different attitude ...and you do.”  Or, “since your thinking is not in line with the will of God in this area, if you’re truly mature, God will reveal this also.”  That’s how it works.  When you have a solid foundation of grace in your Spiritual Life, and when you have the counterbalance of absolute Truth, your momentum is that much stronger, your insight that much clearer, your progress much more rapid.

What does Paul mean when he say’s, “If you’re thinking differently, and you are; if you have different attitudes, and you do; if there is a deficiency in your understanding which you haven’t seen, and there is, God will reveal this.”  Why?  Because God is faithful to point out our flaws.  If you’ll live according to the standard which you have, God will take care of what is lacking.  God holds us accountable for what has been understood, for what we know.  If we do what we know, He’ll reveal what we don’t know.

If we ask God for guidance, or direction, for strength in some battle or wisdom in some decision, and we’re not even doing what we know to be His will in other areas, why should we expect to have this prayer answered?  In essence He says, “You won’t do what I’ve told you to do, why should I tell you any more?”  The neat thing about this is Abba in His uncompromising immutability {un-change-ability} is faithful to reach down, tap us on the shoulder and say, “You’re not doing this, or this, or this.”  Or, “Here’s where you need to focus.”  He will let us in on what we don’t know, one way or another.

What did Peter say in 1 Peter 5:6?  Humble yourselves, therefore,” which is the passive voice.  It sounds like this.  “If we allow ourselves to be humbled under Abba’s mighty hand [Which implies our attitude is one already lined up under His authority.], He will exalt us [Why?  Because He ‘makes war against the proud, but gives grace lavishly to the humble,’ v. 5c.], He will lift us up, at the proper time.”  God will always do His part to make sure whatever is lacking in understanding, in application, in experience, and ultimately one Day in glory, is filled up!

What’s the point?  In essence, if your theology is sound {accurate, healthy, wholesome} and your application is sound, God will expose, then remove, what is unsound in your practice.  When and only when we possess this unconditional desire for His will, this sensitivity to the Spirit of God.

“Those of you who are spiritually mature, keep on thinking in this manner, keep on viewing the world through this lens, and if in anything you think differently, God will reveal that to you also.”  I want you to notice something one final thing.  The apostle Paul had no compulsions about leaving believers in God’s hands.  And neither should we.  Apparently Paul never bought into the idea of a ‘Christian KGB’ spying on other believers and then reporting back to headquarters with ‘what I saw, what I heard, what I think.’

Is there a lesson here?  I think most definitely so.  You will draw more people to the Lord Jesus Christ, you will inspire and encourage more perseverance among Christians in the Conflict, with grace, with kindness, with love, than with hostility, bitterness, criticism and castigation.  Malice and gossip don’t seem to work too well either, just in case you haven’t discovered this yet.  What brings change to the lives of God’s Children?  The love of God, the grace of God, the wisdom of God {His Word} and the Spirit of God {His strength}.

Ric Webb  |  Shepherd
Heart’s Journey Community
9621 Tall Timber Blvd. |  Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296
Heart’s Journey – Live Generously and Love Graciously

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