Friday, February 12, 2016

Abba’s Way of Evening Things Out.

There’s a profound lesson of faith in 2 Corinthians 8:14 for those of us longing to live in and from the Kingdom of God.  Abba has a way of evening things out.  Paul writes, “At the present time your,” Corinthians’ and Achaians,’ “plenty [Perisseuma means ‘your abundance, your fulness, your overflow’] will supply what they [Jesus’ Followers in Jerusalem] need, so that in turn their plenty [The wealth of the Word, their passion in prayer, possibly even material and financial support when you yourselves face the onslaught.] will supply what you need.  Then there will be equality.”  “Equality” implies ‘fairness, equity,’ but fairness and equity don’t necessarily mean equal amounts.  And this, my friends, is vitally important in an egalitarian society where we’re constantly being told ‘everybody deserves an equal amount of everything’— whether they deserve it or not!  The only thing we all equally ‘deserve’ is condemnation: the remedy God made equally available to all is redemption!  So get this down.  ‘Equality’ in the Kingdom of Grace means having what you need to survive.  Get it?  Survive.

Let me lay out a couple of concepts for you to consider.

First off, giving generously to others does not relieve them of the responsibility to do something about their own situation.  You may be their remedy in the present, but Jesus may have a job, a position, a contract for them in the future.

Secondly, there is a ‘cycle of need’ in Jesus’ Body, at all times in human History.  Abba’s “equality” means your ‘abundance, your fulness’ may “supply” someone else’s “need.”  It also means one day their ‘overflow’ will supply your need.  Here’s the point— for all of us.  We need to learn to receive graciously, as well as give graciously, and vice versa.  For those on the receiving end, we need to learn to give graciously and joyfully.  There is a balance between givers and receivers in grace.  We get in on this perfect balance by our willingness to follow the Wild Goose {Celtic name for the Holy Spirit}!  In the end, everything we have, everything we are, and everything we ever will be, is courtesy of grace.  Courtesy of grace.  Thank You, Jesus!

Third, this beautiful balance which Abba achieves— and only He can achieve— is rarely, if ever, going to occur simultaneous with giving.  I.e., giving today doesn’t guarantee I will receive today.  You need to comprehend this.  I may give, generously, this moment; but I may not receive in return until I have a “need” one of Abba’s Children can “supply.”  Those of us who give today may need to receive tomorrow.  “Equality” in Jesus’ Kingdom does not mean you’ll receive a gift like, or the exact amount of, the one you gave.

Again, who is your Provider, who is achieving the balance here?  Your Father is.  Are we getting a little clearer picture of equality in the Kingdom of God?  When governments try to do this, they fail miserably!  But not the King of All Creation, not our wise and loving Abba.  He never fails.  His faithfulness never fails to provide for His own!  This is Hallelujah-inducing, isn’t it?  “You don’t have to fear and you don’t have to worry.  I got this”— Abba.

Ric Webb  |  Shepherd
Heart’s Journey Community
9621 Tall Timber Blvd. |  Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296
Heart’s Journey – Live Generously and Love Graciously

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