Consumerism and materialism are leaving us
restless and resentful.
Yeah, you too. Author Philip Yancey said, “Many people in
societies advanced in technology go about their daily lives assuming God does
not exist. They stop short at the world
that can be reduced and analyzed, their ears sealed against
rumors of another world. As Tolstoy
said, ‘materialists mistake what limits life
for life itself.’”
think it’s enlightening in an Age seemingly unable
to look beyond itself— either to
learn from the past or live in light of Eternity— to read the final thoughts in
Mark’s account of Jesus’ ‘come to Me meeting’ with the rich young ruler. Peter say’s to Jesus in 10:28, “We have left everything to follow you!”
To which Jesus replies, “I tell
you the Truth, no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or
father or children or fields for Me
and the Gospel will fail to receive a hundred
times as much in this present Age ...and in the Age to Come, Eternal Life. But many who are first [and believe they deserve to be] will be last, and the last [who
believe they deserve to be also, will
be] first,” vv. 29-31.
The cancer of consumerism is eating us
alive. So if
consumerism has made you crazy and materialism left its angry mark, maybe it’s
time to lift some of this burden and unload the unnecessary. If you’ve got a car you don’t drive, a TV you
don’t watch, a computer you don’t touch, or toys that take time, energy, and
effort which could be put to better use elsewhere, somebody in the Body probably needs what you have. If you
don’t want to sell it, then give it
away in grace. Don’t let what you own in the
end own you. Because it will, if you
don’t watch it. If you don’t live with
your eyes wide open, awake to the fact the world can take you out by your toys, they will do just
that. You may end up eliminating some
things which are nice because you realize they’re unnecessary. The truth is
they may be standing like a silent wall between you and a deepening of your
relationships, a strengthening of your marriage, an enhancement of your
intimacy with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And if so, they need to go.
do we do? We simplify, then simplify some more. We clear away the clutter of all that is
distracting us from desiring our King
over all of Creation. Soviet dissident
and combatant of communism Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn once wrote,
Do not pursue what is
illusory. All that is gained at the
expense of your nerves decade after decade and is confiscated in the fell of
night. Live with the steady superiority
over life. Don’t be afraid of
misfortune. Do not yearn after
happiness. It is, after all, all the
same. The bitter doesn’t last
forever. And the sweet never fills the
cup to overflowing. It is enough if you
don’t freeze in the cold. And if thirst
and hunger don’t claw at your insides, if your back isn’t broken, if your feet
can walk and your arms can bend, if both eyes can see, if both ears hear, then
whom… whom should you envy?
indeed? The haunting words of Henry
Thoreau echo my belief in the Three Ds of the Cosmic System {distractions,
deceptions, and destructions}: “Our life is frittered away by detail,” he
wrote, “simplify, simplify.” Amen. May we begin this very moment, in the
strength of the Spirit of God, to do this very thing.
Ric Webb | Shepherd
Heart’s Journey
9621 Tall Timber
Blvd. | Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296
Heart’s Journey – Live Generously and Love Graciously
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