When we give, anytime
and anywhere to anyone or to anything, it is
and should always be an expression of
human freedom, the outworking of the will God gave us surrendered to His
own. You with me? It should never
be a matter of organizational {office, corporation}, denominational {‘This is
our biiiig thing, the one all good
____s give to.’}, or even societal, pressure and persuasion {‘We’re taking from
you, by ever-increasing taxes, to give to you, under government action.’}. Persuasion
is when giving is ‘suggested’— and maybe how much or to whom; pressure is when
the suggestion is made at gunpoint.
Paul writes, rather
clearly in 2 Corinthians 8:8, about how he wants to “test the sincerity” or
‘genuineness’ {from gnesios, used of legitimately born children} of the
Corinthians’ “love by comparing it with the earnestness of” the Macedonians,
by their ‘diligence’ and their ‘zeal.’
You see what he desires here? He
wants them— as all wise leaders,
parents, and lovers want— to be internally
motivated, not externally
coerced. He wants their internal motivation to manifest in external action. In this case, an external action of
overflowing generosity, just like that of the Macedonian Churches, whom Paul
doesn’t let them forget are their Brothers and Sisters in the Battle.
After twenty-plus years
of watching the Children of God up close and personal, I can say this without
hesitation. Giving will test, and test strongly, the genuineness and “sincerity” of two things: [i] our love for God; and [ii] our love for one another. We invest ourselves— personally,
professionally, emotionally and financially— in what we believe to be
critically important. Whether it
actually is or not, or whether or not
it is to others, is another matter
for another time. But we invest in what
some part of our souls has determined to be imminently important to our
survival, our success, our happiness, etc.
Giving in the Kingdom of Grace is
no different! It will test the sincerity of
your love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
It’s like people who proclaim their undying passion for the Gospel...
but won’t take five minutes to share it with a co-worker, or let fear keep them
from ever declaring His love to their families.
Something is wrong with this
picture. Radically wrong.
And so is hoarding up
the resources which have been poured lavishly upon us in grace. We are reservoirs of Life, filled by the
Father so we may quench the thirst of the weary and the wounded. We
receive from Abba in faith so we may
give to others in grace. As Jesus
instructed His Disciples when He sent them to the “lost sheep of Israel” with “this
Message: ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is near!’”
{Matt. 10:6b and 7b}, “Freely you received; freely give”
{8e}. Amen.
Ric Webb | Shepherd
Heart’s Journey
9621 Tall Timber
Blvd. | Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296
Heart’s Journey – Live
Generously and Love Graciously
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