his powerful testament to Enoch’s faith in and intimacy with the Lord of Glory,
the unnamed author of Hebrews writes, “Without
faith it is impossible to please God....” There’s our verb euaresteo once again. “Without faith it is impossible to delight
God, to satisfy His heart.”
Why? “Because anyone who comes to Him must believe [a] that He is [NAS], He exists....” This sphere of God-consciousness, of Abba-awareness, can only be entered by
faith. I’m going to break this down very
simply for you. Our Journey with God begins at a place of rock-solid recognition, that
‘There is a God ...and I’m not Him.’ That recognition is an immaculate blend of faith
and humility. “And [b] that He rewards
those who earnestly seek Him,” v. 6.
Jesus is the “Rewarder, the One paying
the wages, of those earnestly seeking Him” is as factual a statement as has
ever been uttered. Our verb is ekzeteo meaning to ‘seek out’ and ‘search
for oneself’ with diligence and ‘desire,’
and the form in which it’s found pictures action in progress, ongoing, unceasing.
You with me here? It’s a lifestyle of trusting God, a
lifestyle of seeking God, a lifestyle of passionately pursuing God. Ek
is a preposition used to intensify the meaning of the root verb zeteo, which already implies a thorough
examination of the subject at hand, a rigorous philosophical investigation into
the matter in question. In this case,
the only Matter worth knowing when Eternity comes calling— the Ultimate Matter,
the Abba of Heaven and Earth.
Ekzeteo is used in
precisely this way in Acts 15:17, Romans 3:11, and our present passage {as well
as many of the Pss.}, for actively
‘seeking to know the Lord of Glory’— to know Him, believe Him, befriend Him and
serve Him. It makes no logical sense to seek the Son of God if we’re not
also going to serve the Son of God {since there’s no promise in
Scripture of monetary gain or a trouble-free existence for merely knowing Him,
or knowing about Him, in some casual,
off-handed way, nothing which would satisfy a mercenary soul}.
As in so many things which are
momentous in our lives, pivotal to our progress in the Path of Grace and the
Kingdom of God {like our faith in Abba,
our love of others, our forgiveness of wrongs}, this doesn’t happen by accident! We seek and we search to know the ways of our
Warrior-God, to watch Him war for the sake of those He loves, and to know His heart
by heart, the heart of a King, the greatest King to ever rule. Jesus is the embodiment of wisdom, of
justice, and of mercy: One worthy of our worship.
a brief flash of Light here, but you will never see this place of communion with
Him, of intimacy with the Almighty, accidentally and haphazardly. We don’t stumble and stagger our way blindly
into the Arms of Grace. They are ever
open and always welcoming— to those who long for them. If you
don’t love God, if you don’t desire God, if you have no
interest whatsoever in knowing Him by faith in His Word and faith in His works,
then it’s a sure bet you won’t.
I just say it plainly? Jesus wants to be wanted; He waits to be longed for, to be desired
above all else. He loves to be loved with all the passion and fervor and sacrificial
spirit with which He first loved us. And
don’t we who are made in His image want the same things from those we
love? Don’t we want to be wanted? Don’t we wait to be longed for, hoping it’s
not too late? Don’t we love to be loved,
with selflessness and sacrifice... or as much of this as another is capable of
giving? You bet we do. As does the great King of the Universe. He not only desires it, He deserves it.
Ric Webb | Shepherd
Heart’s Journey
9621 Tall Timber
Blvd. | Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296
Heart’s Journey – Live
Generously and Love Graciously
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