Saturday, May 2, 2015

Man’s Murderous Mentality.

From mankind’s first murderer comes a very interesting character by the name of Lamech.  In Cain’s line he is the seventh firstborn son from Adam, the Man molded from the Earth by the hands of His Creator.  His Story is told in Genesis 4.  “Lamech said to his wives” in v. 23, “‘Adah and Zillah, listen to me; wives of Lamech, hear my words.  I have killed a man [same verb as v. 8: harag- ‘destroy, slay, murder’] for wounding me, a young man for injuring me.  If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times!’” {v. 24}.  Do you see the intensification of violence here?
Is there any doubt the Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve will kill to get what they want?  We will murder for money: an insurance settlement, a partner’s retirement, or the spare change in our pockets.  We will murder one another for the right to sling rock on a certain corner, or to traffic in powder, Mexican meth, and Afghani heroin by the ton.  We go to war over insults— political and personal.  We go to war over land; we go to war over oil; we go to war over trade routes, over shipping lanes at sea, over mineral deposits and the natural resources of nations.  We have warred over material wealth, over the right to tell other men and women how to run their lives, their cultures, their communities and their families, how they can worship and how they can’t, what they can and cannot do with their own business, in their own homes, on their own lands.
We will impose the most heinous of human rights sanctions resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands on nations we once armed to fight our enemies because someone in an office of the Pentagon, the White House, or the halls of Congress decided these are now our enemies.  We will kill anyone, anywhere who tries to save their nation from the systemic evil of the international banking cartel, or rein in the incestuous relationship between Wall St. and Washington.  Any president who gets serious about exposing the evil and corruption of the Federal Reserve can look forward to a short ride through Dallas in a white convertible.
Imagine the heart of Love {not to mention holiness} beating in the breast of the Creator, and the Paradise which He envisioned and brought into being for His Image-bearers.  Now look at the world ravaged by the sin of man and the lies of Satan, the full effect Cain’s sin, anger and arrogance on his descendants.  There is no level of murder left, for any reason, which the Sons of Adam have not condescended to commit.  Those made in the “image” of God murdering those made in the image of God— and on and on it goes, down the corridors of Time, like some raging river of envious green bile.  What do you think Abba thinks about this: our willingness to so eagerly take another human life when it benefits us in some way, great or small?  You think He looks around and says, “Mm-hhmm, yessss, now this is what I had in mind!”
Like so many peoples to follow Cain’s offspring, in spite of their prosperity evil is advancing ominously.  Moses paints a picture of an affluent society, technologically advanced, living in defiance of the True and Living God, seeking only what the world has to offer.  Sound familiar?  It should, to all of us.  It is this world in which Israel will emerge, drawn from the fires of slavery by the hand of the Master, and into this world she will be sent— like the Body of the Risen Jesus is sent as “a kingdom and priests” {Rev. 1:6a} to proclaim the righteousness of God and the “praises of Him who called” us “out of darkness into His wonderful Light” {1 Pet. 2:9e}.  And “Light”— Light from the Lord, Light from the Heavens above, Light from the Kingdom of Light— is what we could use in our world right now.  Desperately.

Ric Webb  |  Shepherd
Heart’s Journey Community
9621 Tall Timber Blvd. |  Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296
Heart’s Journey – Live Generously and Love Graciously

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