say’s in Galatians 3:9, “So those who
have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith
[Lit., ‘the believing one, the trusting one’],” v. 9. The emphasis in v.
9 is on the fact that “those who have
faith”— which is just another
way of saying anyone in the Kingdom of God, everyone in the Father’s Family—
are “blessed” with the salvation of
their souls, just like Abraham, rather than those who depend on ‘good works,’
ritualistic righteousness, and meticulous rule-keeping, like the Judaizers.
what he says next. This is powerful
stuff for those who refuse to acknowledge the difference between Law and Love as the motive behind the madness we call Apprenticeship to
Jesus, between those who so desperately want to live out of duty {as well as imposing it on everyone else!} and those
of us choosing to live out of
desire. This is directed at those who
were mutilating not only the Gospel of Grace but the very souls of men and women by their demands of circumcision for
salvation and obedience to the Law for intimacy with Abba. So... legalists,
fundamentalists, denominationalists, and modern-day Pharisees of whatever
persuasion, listen up! Here’s a
challenge for you.
“All who rely on observing
the Law are under a curse, for it is written [Quoting
Deut. 27:26]: ‘Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law,’” v. 10. Paul’s saying exactly the same thing he says
in a number of other places: if you take one part of the Law you have to take
the whole thing; if you keep one part
of the Law as your standard for true holiness you must keep every aspect of the Law, all 613 or so
commands. Which is something only one Man in His-Story has ever been able to do. I have yet to see any legalist, anywhere,
meet this standard. Not only this, in my
44 years of life-experience on this Earth, I have yet to see any Law-laden,
rule-ridden control-freak or wannabe ‘cult leader’ actually meet the standard they so readily impose
on others. How ‘bout that for powerless and ineffective?
If it works so well, then why can’t you do it? If this ‘system’ you’ve devised for the rest
of us is healing hearts and restoring lives, if it’s forging men and women into
passionate lovers of God and compassionate lovers of people, if it is transforming the wounded and the weary
into stalwart Soldiers of the Faith, if it is molding the Children of God into
the image of their Abba, if husbands
are loving well their wives and wives are honoring their husbands with respect,
if parents are tender yet firm, wise yet funny with their little ones, and
those same children are not disrespectful and arrogant toward their parents, if
friends and fellow-soldiers are asking forgiveness of each other, if fathers
and daughters, mothers and sons, are seeking forgiveness as the ‘relational
healer’ of their Stories, if courage and conviction surrounded by compassion
are taking deep root in the souls of the Saints, then by all means keep it
up. But if not ...then maybe you
better rethink this whole scheme you’re selling. Maybe you better go back to Paul’s Letter to
the Galatians and whosever’s Letter to the Hebrews and start over. At Ground Zero. On the
solid ground of grace and love.
Ric Webb | Shepherd
Heart’s Journey
9621 Tall Timber
Blvd. | Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296
Heart’s Journey – Live
Generously and Love Graciously
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