Friday, February 27, 2015

Mechanics... Or Merely Mechanical?

There’s an area of unceasing talk in Christendom, an endless stream of gibbering present in every age, concerning what we might call ‘spiritual mechanics.’  Somebody, somewhere wants to know the ‘mechanics’ to this point or this principle or this passage.  “Give me some mechanics, show me how to do this!,” whatever ‘this’ happens to be.  Which is perfectly fine, in one sense, because there are some things we need to know in precisely this manner.  “How does this unfold?  What’s this going to look like?  How do I respond to this experientially?”  But my personal belief as a pastor is much of the laser-like focus on mechanics in the Body of Christ, just like much of our talk on the ‘how-tos,’ is not so much about walking with God and staying in step with His Spirit {i.e., living the Adventure of Faith from a place of intimacy}, as it is about a mechanical maneuvering to get what I want from God, or what I want out of His Word, with the least amount of disturbance to my self-protective life.
We want a formula for faith and there is no such thing.  “I want you to show me exactly three steps to this particular outcome, four steps to a favorable finish, a single prayer which guarantees health, wealth and wisdom.”  Are you getting the picture?  You following me?  Good.  Because if Life in the Kingdom of Christ ever becomes mechanical {defined by Webster’s as ‘machinelike; lacking spontaneity, expression, warmth, etc.’}, if it’s merely a matter of rote and ritual, then we have become post-modern Pharisees and our hearts are in big trouble.  As are the hearts of those we love.
The Way of Jesus— the Way of the Master and Messiah— is a Path of Prayer and Healing, a Path of purpose and power, and ultimately a Path of wholeness and holiness.  These two are flip sides of the same coin, by the way.  Jesus’ Path is one which for many of us, at different ages in Life, different stages of the Journey, varying levels of honesty and openness with God and with ourselves, takes every moment Abba has given us and encompasses them all.  The point of this Path is we keep coming back to Jesus, we keep walking in the Spirit’s Way, we let our heavenly Abba take another pass, another shot, another swipe at the hardness of our hearts, the brokenness of our lives, and the pain buried beneath the surface of our souls.  Like the unfolding of an onion, we let our Lord peel away the layers of suffering and selfishness which have held us captive.
The Journey begins with the simplest of prayers:

Abba, take me into my wound, into my brokenness— deeper than I have ever been.  I give You as my Father, Jesus as my Lord, the Spirit as my Guardian and Guide, permission… access to the deepest part of my soul and the deepest hurts of my heart.  Come and lead me into the darkness by the Light of Your Love.  Come and shepherd this lost little girl within me, this orphaned little boy within, tenderly and lovingly.  Let me be present in this placefully awake to my wounded heart and fully aware of its phenomenal need.  Uncover my wounded soul, Father, and meet me there.  In Jesus’ holy and healing name ...Amen. 

Ric Webb  |  Shepherd
Heart’s Journey Community
9621 Tall Timber Blvd. |  Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296
Heart’s Journey – Live Generously and Love Graciously

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