Defensive action may delay defeat, but it will never win the War. Peter’s answer to Jesus’ question in Matthew 16:13, “Who do people say the Son of Man is,” was that “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” v. 16. Jesus say’s, “On this rock,” and the word He uses is petra which is a ‘large, massive stone, a cliff of solid rock.’ That “rock solid foundation” is Peter’s confession of faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God and Savior of fallen man. “On this I will build”— future tense— “My Church,” which indicates it belongs to Jesus, comes into existence because of Jesus, finds its Life and power through Jesus …and the “Gates [the place of power and authority in the ancient world] of Hades [all the forces of death, evil, and opposition in this fallen world!] will not overcome it!”
What Jesus is saying is a very simple and straightforward thing: Once He forms it through the indwelling and empowering of the Holy Spirit, the Church is to be engaged in offensive warfare, pounding against the very gates of Hell! Because where the Kingdom of Light advances, the kingdom of darkness must retreat. You see, “gates” don’t advance; “gates” don’t attack. The idea is that Christ’s Kingdom would be a realm on the move, on the offensive, ever advancing, ever gaining ground on the enemy’s strongholds. That we would be on the attack and the enemy would have to defend. The divine intention is the Church of Jesus Christ, day by day by day, would pound away at the “Gates of Hell”! We do this by taking the Light of the Word and the Gospel of Grace to those still bound in darkness and death; we take the Life of God into a lifeless world; and we pour into the lives of the wounded and weary the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is a world at War, a world filled with wounded and weary hearts desperately in need of deliverance, deliverance we might bring them in Jesus. Like David in 1 Samuel 23, wary and on the run from Saul and the army of Israel, but willing to risk his life and deliver the city of Keilah from the Philistines, our lives are meant to make a difference in the Conflict of the Ages. This will only happen on the attack, as we advance on the enemy in the courage and honor of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, press on, my fellow-Warriors and beautiful Warrior-maidens …there is great glory to be gained in the Cause of our King.
Ric Webb, Shepherd
Heart's Journey Community
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