Consider this, if you will, a very personal challenge, an encouragement to engage. In a world long at War, if you don’t step in to the fray for humanity, if you don’t step up to your place in the line, if you refuse to engage the hearts of those you love for the side of goodness and grace, who will? There’s no other man or woman who can replace you in your life, in that arena to which you’ve been called. And if you leave your place in the Line of Battle, it will remain empty. You know why? Because in order for someone else to fill it, they would have to leave their place in the Line. And on and on it goes.
You can divide the human race up— all of us, men and women alike— into three categories. The first is: those who have no battle to fight, no mission to maintain. They’re killing time... and it’s killing them. They’re just here ...soaking up precious space.
The second is: those who are fighting the wrong battle. Some examples from Scripture: Saul I, who made it his mission to kill off David; and Saul II, who made it his mission to kill off everybody who worshipped the Son of David. A modern example? How ‘bout the woman who spends her time trying to ‘straighten everyone else out’? “Everybody else is wrong. What’s the matter with these people? Everybody I know has a problem, but me!” Yeah! …what are the chances of that being accurate? Or the pastor who preaches against everything and everybody, but never declares what exactly he’s for. It’s the wrong battle in the wrong place at the wrong time.
And the third is: those who know their place in the Line, the calling Abba has placed upon them. They understand the Mission for which they were made.
Husbands and wives, let me ask you this. Do you have a Mission for your marriage? And is it the Mission of the Messiah— “to seek and to save that which was lost” {Lk. 19:10}? If not, where are you going spiritually— anywhere? And what are you doing to stay engaged with God, devoted to your King, committed to one another, fierce in defense of your family— anything? Or are you just here to take up each other’s time, maybe irritating the other into intimacy with Jesus? If you don’t have a Mission, I suggest you find one, and fast. The time to serve the lost and alone, “compelled” by the love of Christ Jesus, is now — 2 Corinthians 5:14-21.
Ric Webb, Shepherd
Heart's Journey Community
Monday, July 28, 2014
Friday, July 18, 2014
Defensive Action Merely Delays Defeat.
Defensive action may delay defeat, but it will never win the War. Peter’s answer to Jesus’ question in Matthew 16:13, “Who do people say the Son of Man is,” was that “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” v. 16. Jesus say’s, “On this rock,” and the word He uses is petra which is a ‘large, massive stone, a cliff of solid rock.’ That “rock solid foundation” is Peter’s confession of faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God and Savior of fallen man. “On this I will build”— future tense— “My Church,” which indicates it belongs to Jesus, comes into existence because of Jesus, finds its Life and power through Jesus …and the “Gates [the place of power and authority in the ancient world] of Hades [all the forces of death, evil, and opposition in this fallen world!] will not overcome it!”
What Jesus is saying is a very simple and straightforward thing: Once He forms it through the indwelling and empowering of the Holy Spirit, the Church is to be engaged in offensive warfare, pounding against the very gates of Hell! Because where the Kingdom of Light advances, the kingdom of darkness must retreat. You see, “gates” don’t advance; “gates” don’t attack. The idea is that Christ’s Kingdom would be a realm on the move, on the offensive, ever advancing, ever gaining ground on the enemy’s strongholds. That we would be on the attack and the enemy would have to defend. The divine intention is the Church of Jesus Christ, day by day by day, would pound away at the “Gates of Hell”! We do this by taking the Light of the Word and the Gospel of Grace to those still bound in darkness and death; we take the Life of God into a lifeless world; and we pour into the lives of the wounded and weary the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is a world at War, a world filled with wounded and weary hearts desperately in need of deliverance, deliverance we might bring them in Jesus. Like David in 1 Samuel 23, wary and on the run from Saul and the army of Israel, but willing to risk his life and deliver the city of Keilah from the Philistines, our lives are meant to make a difference in the Conflict of the Ages. This will only happen on the attack, as we advance on the enemy in the courage and honor of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, press on, my fellow-Warriors and beautiful Warrior-maidens …there is great glory to be gained in the Cause of our King.
Ric Webb, Shepherd
Heart's Journey Community
What Jesus is saying is a very simple and straightforward thing: Once He forms it through the indwelling and empowering of the Holy Spirit, the Church is to be engaged in offensive warfare, pounding against the very gates of Hell! Because where the Kingdom of Light advances, the kingdom of darkness must retreat. You see, “gates” don’t advance; “gates” don’t attack. The idea is that Christ’s Kingdom would be a realm on the move, on the offensive, ever advancing, ever gaining ground on the enemy’s strongholds. That we would be on the attack and the enemy would have to defend. The divine intention is the Church of Jesus Christ, day by day by day, would pound away at the “Gates of Hell”! We do this by taking the Light of the Word and the Gospel of Grace to those still bound in darkness and death; we take the Life of God into a lifeless world; and we pour into the lives of the wounded and weary the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is a world at War, a world filled with wounded and weary hearts desperately in need of deliverance, deliverance we might bring them in Jesus. Like David in 1 Samuel 23, wary and on the run from Saul and the army of Israel, but willing to risk his life and deliver the city of Keilah from the Philistines, our lives are meant to make a difference in the Conflict of the Ages. This will only happen on the attack, as we advance on the enemy in the courage and honor of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, press on, my fellow-Warriors and beautiful Warrior-maidens …there is great glory to be gained in the Cause of our King.
Ric Webb, Shepherd
Heart's Journey Community
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Offensive Warfare Wins the Day.
Gen. Patton’s main principle of warfare was simple. He said, “I never pay for the same piece of real estate twice.” His objective was to move forward at all times, to gain ground against the enemy, to stay on the offensive. He understood a soldier on the defensive may delay defeat, but he will rarely win the day. Bold offensive action is the key to waging effective warfare.
So, to bring that over to the realm of the Spirit, what exactly is the ‘spiritual offensive’? It may be the Gospel of Grace offered to the lost and alone, or the willingness to speak the healing words another needs to hear. It may be the Truth that brings clarity into the midst of confusion, or the grace that binds up the wounds of the heart. But whatever, whenever, and however it comes, it is above all else the will to act and to act decisively. This is the thing which characterizes Disciples on the Offensive.
It is not enough to know the Word in theory, to know what needs to be done and be unwilling to do it. “But the one who looks at the perfect Law of Freedom and remains committed to it— thus proving that he is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of what it requires— will be blessed in what he does,” James 1:25 {ISV}. As Peterson puts it in The Message, “But whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of God— the Free Life!— even out of the corner of his eye, and sticks with it, is no distracted scatterbrain but a man or woman of action. That person will find delight and affirmation in the action.”
What this reveals is a reflection on the Word in our souls and a focus on love in our lives. The Romans used to say, Amor Est Vitae Essentia: ‘Love is the Essence of Life’— John 13:34-35. You see, the power of love protected by Truth is redemptive; the power of Truth surrounded by love is eternal. Love protected by Truth and Truth surrounded by Love. That’s what it means to take offensive action against the evil of the enemy, to defeat his lies and destroy his designs. John wrote in 1 John 3:8, “The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil” {NAS}; He was “seen” and believed in on this “Earth that He might put an end to the works of the evil one.” My prayer is that our hearts would anxiously await that Day as our lives labor toward its end. Amen.
Ric Webb, Shepherd
Heart's Journey Community
So, to bring that over to the realm of the Spirit, what exactly is the ‘spiritual offensive’? It may be the Gospel of Grace offered to the lost and alone, or the willingness to speak the healing words another needs to hear. It may be the Truth that brings clarity into the midst of confusion, or the grace that binds up the wounds of the heart. But whatever, whenever, and however it comes, it is above all else the will to act and to act decisively. This is the thing which characterizes Disciples on the Offensive.
It is not enough to know the Word in theory, to know what needs to be done and be unwilling to do it. “But the one who looks at the perfect Law of Freedom and remains committed to it— thus proving that he is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of what it requires— will be blessed in what he does,” James 1:25 {ISV}. As Peterson puts it in The Message, “But whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of God— the Free Life!— even out of the corner of his eye, and sticks with it, is no distracted scatterbrain but a man or woman of action. That person will find delight and affirmation in the action.”
What this reveals is a reflection on the Word in our souls and a focus on love in our lives. The Romans used to say, Amor Est Vitae Essentia: ‘Love is the Essence of Life’— John 13:34-35. You see, the power of love protected by Truth is redemptive; the power of Truth surrounded by love is eternal. Love protected by Truth and Truth surrounded by Love. That’s what it means to take offensive action against the evil of the enemy, to defeat his lies and destroy his designs. John wrote in 1 John 3:8, “The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil” {NAS}; He was “seen” and believed in on this “Earth that He might put an end to the works of the evil one.” My prayer is that our hearts would anxiously await that Day as our lives labor toward its end. Amen.
Ric Webb, Shepherd
Heart's Journey Community