Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Emptiness of Arrogance

Let’s begin with a question. Do you want to wage War effectively in the Conflict of Christ? Walking in humility is how we do it, in the opposite of arrogance and anger. Humility is a matter of knowing in the deepest depths of your heart who you are in Christ Jesus, the beloved Child of a perfect and passionate Father; then living from that reality. Humility is the grateful recognition that all we have, all we are, and all we ever will be is courtesy of grace; everything honorable, true, powerful and pure in our lives is a gift from God. Jesus said, and I think it’s as clear a statement as has ever been uttered, that “everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” {Lk. 18:14}.

Understand that history is a story of the defeat of arrogance. History is a story of the inadequacy of arrogance in every endeavor of life. It is a sordid Tale which chronicles on the pages of human lives and written in bloody ink the insufficiency of arrogance as a personal approach to Love and to Life. When you live this way, as practical atheists {some of whom are believers, but obviously not Followers}, rejecting God and His perfect provision in Jesus, there is only judgment left. When you spurn His grace and spit on His mercy that leaves only swift and certain judgment. And sooner or later, arrogance is always judged.

Sir Francis Bacon once said, “It is a sad fate for a man to die too well known to everybody else, and still unknown to himself.” Oh my gosh… wow. What do you say to a sentence like that in a world like ours?

Unfortunately, and it is unfortunate, it is sad beyond description, I’ve known many such men in my life— and women. And so have you. Utterly and incomprehensibly blinded by the arrogance of self-absorption, the pride of self-promotion {yes, even in ‘Christian ministry’}, or the hubris of self-hatred, which is equally as toxic to our lives in the Spirit of Christ. Honesty, openness, transparency and humility would be good places to start, don’t you think? Ruthless honestly concerning our selves, our sin, and our Savior, openness with others, transparency toward those I love, and humility before the God of this Universe, and we just might find ourselves in a very healthy place, well on our way to a whole heart and a holy Life. What do you say?

Ric Webb, Shepherd
Heart's Journey Community

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