Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Subtle Saboteurs.

What do all these have in common?  Beginning with weariness {of body or soul}, disappointment, worry, discontentment, or just a general malaise of unhappiness.  They are subtle saboteurs, not bold and blatant sins, and therefore much harder to identify as culprits in a crisis.  But they all carry the same insidious effect, like a toxin slowly creeping into the soul, doing its damage... whether you know it or not.  Like trace amounts of arsenic in our water, like the mercury in your fillings.

Weariness threatens our spiritual well-being because when you’re worn out— physically, mentally, or emotionally— you’re more easily taken out.  In fact, I believe this is one of the enemy’s greatest deceptions in our post-modern world, a world where ‘busyness’ rules as the order of the day.  The pace, the pace, the pace at which we live, the unbalanced rush of one event after another, day after day, year after year, does an enormous amount of damage to our hearts.  And to our ability to discern the Truth from the Lie, reality from rhetoric, to navigate the wild winds and waters of relationships, to love people well, generously and graciously.  You may laugh and shake your head and go on about your business after reading this, and that’s certainly your right, but one of the most profound hindrances to intimacy with Jesus today is a lack of sleep.  Yeah, you read that right: a lack of sleep, a worn out body and a weary soul.

The very fact that some of you are dismissing what I just said shows just how deeply this Lie is embedded in our succeed-at-all-costs culture {even at the expense of our health, our family, and quite possibly our sanity!}.  The enemy has gained great ground with this generation of believers by a simple premise: “Keep ‘em runnin’.  Keep ‘em on the move, on the go, a non-stop barrage of entertaining options, hyper-stimulus, and media messaging.  I’ll wear ‘em out ...and then I’ll take ‘em out.”  Because he knows, he knows too well, that when you’re weary in body and soul and unwilling to turn to Jesus for desperately needed rest, you are easy pickings, my friend.  It’s almost laughable how easy.

Disappointment so easily becomes despair, worry flows into fear, discontentment blossoms into outrage at how Abba could ever allow this to happen to me!, and unhappiness threatens to become full-blown depression.  You tracking here?  And for some reason, maybe the same root of arrogance which keeps us blind to all the other ways we fail to “guard our hearts,” we don’t seem to be able to recognize, or maybe we just don’t want to, the deadly debilitation of these subtle saboteurs.  Long term exposure equals spiritual enervation, a weakness wearing down our resistance, a draining of divine energy and vitality, the Resurrection Life of our Lord ebbing away, only to be replaced by ...nothing.

The solution beforehand {before subtlety becomes sin} is simple, so simple you may be tempted to overlook it.  Don’t.  The solution is to ‘stand and fight,’ to reclaim whatever ground is lost to the enemy, by calling on the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ as your own.  By praying in the forgiveness of the Cross, the Life and Power of the Resurrection, and the authority of the Ascension.  The solution afterwards {after these enemies have had their way with us} is also simple: to repent.  To take this a step beyond confession and ask the Spirit of God to literally change our immediate outlook, fill us with His fruit, and humble us before the Master’s Throne if necessary.  Anything to break the grip of spiritual malaise, anything to restore energy and vitality!

In the words of the wisest king yet to sit on the throne of Israel, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the Wellspring of Life,” meaning watch over it “with all diligence, for from it flow the Springs of Life” {Prov. 4:23 NAS}.  Because if you won’t fight for the health of your own heart, if you won’t fight for the Freedom and Life which are your birthrights as Sons and Daughters of God... who will? 

Ric Webb
Heart's Journey Community


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