If we were
to start with a triumvirate of thanksgiving, a trio of God’s glories to be
grateful for, it might look like this: the Son of God; the Word of God; and the
Grace of God. From His grace flow the
blessings of freedom, of family, of friendship, of food on the table and
laughter in the air. From Abba’s grace come all the things worth living for in this Life {and dying for, if the
moment should demand it}.
Count your blessings, my friends, enumerate the
gifts and glories of His Kingdom, which have been bestowed on you and I
courtesy of His grace, courtesy of Abba’s
limitless largesse. We
didn’t earn them and we’ll never deserve them, but they’re ours
none-the-less. How our hearts should soar in gratitude when we reflect on this
reality. If we find our hearts
somewhat lacking in appreciation, what’s this really saying? Maybe we’re in such profound pain
psychologically that ‘thank you’ just seems like a million-mile march. Maybe we’ve lived with such an entitlement /
expectant mentality for so long we
don’t know any other way to live. This
unholy aspect of arrogance has grooved a rut in our neural pathways and now we
expect, even demand, others take care
of us, watch over us, feed, clothe and house us, etc. Ingratitude
goes hand in hand with this particular pathology. Trust me on this one.
Maybe— and
in this case, the fault lies in two directions: the shepherd and the sheep—
we’ve never been taught the glorious riches which are ours in Christ {Eph.
1:3-23}, the unsearchable wisdom of the treasures of God {Rom. 11:33-36}. Or ...we just don’t believe it. Either way, not a good prospect for the
Church in the 21st century. As “Jesus replied” to His opponents in
Matthew 22:29, “You do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.” Precisely where we are today. And because of this they lived in “unceasing
error.” And so do we. Because we have not known in such a way that
this knowledge gets carried into the present, informing our view of God, the world, others and ourselves, because
we’ve not gotten settled in our souls
by faith the Scriptures and their implications in reality {like
‘resurrection’}, we have no hope in the “power
of God,” no real trust that God will come through in any situation. We are practicing agnostics at best, and
atheistic pagans at worst.
But when we
understand something of the nature of Abba,
His essence revealed in the “radiance”
of His Son {Heb. 1:3}, when we get a glimpse of His glory, a taste of His
grace, one drop of His mercy after a lifetime of dying of thirst, the only
genuine response of the heart should be, “Thank
You.... Thank You, thank You, thank You, thank You,
thank You.” Gratitude, appreciation, a
groundswell of praise. Right? So what’s hindering our hearts from getting
caught up in this tide? What’s keeping
us from entering into the joy of our Master?
Whatever it is, and however deep it runs, Abba will remove it in His time and according to His will, if we ask Him to. Do we
have the courage to let Him break our hearts yet again— only this time not to harm, but to heal?
Ric Webb | Shepherd
Heart’s Journey
9621 Tall Timber
Blvd. | Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296
Heart’s Journey – Live Generously and Love Graciously