Monday, December 29, 2014

Cultivating the Character of the King.

Look down the long halls of History and you’ll see arrogance has been the Achilles heel of every bad King or Queen to ever sit on a throne.  Now, in complete contrast to this, look back to the history of Israel and the life of its chief legislator.  Moses was one of the greatest men, greatest leaders, greatest generals, greatest geniuses, to ever walk the Earth.  He wasn’t just a good King, he was a great one.  This is the divine commentary on him: “Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the Earth” {Num. 12:3}.  “The face of the Earth”?  Wow.  What about King David?  There were numerous times when David could have seized the throne from Saul, two when he could’ve killed him himself, and it would’ve been within his rights to do so.  But he doesn’t.  He waits on the timing of God!  He humbles himself.
This is the picture of a noble heart, of the Kings and Queens made in the image of their mighty God choosing humility over arrogance, others overs self, in the very circumstances we find it hardest to do so.  The Truth is we either choose to live with humility of heart, choose it for ourselves as a way of life in a self-absorbed world or ...our Father will arrange to have it chosen for us.  I’m not going to speak for you, but I’d much rather humble myself so that Abba may one day exalt me; rather than the other way around.  I think anyone with even an ounce of wisdom would!
Every time in your life you make a choice {and it’s always a choice} to put others before self, to serve rather than be served, to humble yourself and let Abba do the exalting, to keep your mouth shut rather than ‘fight to be right,’ you cultivate the character of the King.  Your character evolves... and you move one step closer to becoming the man or woman you were meant to be, to the image Jesus had in mind when He breathed into you His Life!
Consider how compasses operate, and how a slight change of one or two degrees can navigate you to a radically different place.  This is the illustration Dr. Greitens used when he spoke to those of us present at Harding University of the importance of allowing our character to evolve in the moment by being willing to do the hard thing right in front of us.  Small or large, to do the hard thing now forges character; it shapes who we are; and it leads to perseverance.  And if there is one thing you will need in a fallen world, in this world in this New Year, it’s perseverance— the ability to endure.  May Abba bestow it abundantly upon His Children!

Ric Webb  |  Shepherd
Heart’s Journey Community
9621 Tall Timber Blvd. |  Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296 |
Heart’s Journey – where the Word and the Spirit are one.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Another Side to the Story.

We’re a mere four days away from the Day when, as His faithful Followers, we will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our King.  The Scriptural account reads like this: “And the angel said to” the shepherds in the field, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you Good News of great joy which will be for all the people.  For today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” {Lk. 2:10-11}.  This single sentence defines for us the Mission and Ministry of the Messiah: the Greek Soter = ‘Savior,’ Christos = Anointed One {fully man}, and Kurios = Sovereign Lord and Master {entirely God}, all wrapped up in one.  He is the “Savior” of man and Anointed One of God, the long-awaited Messiah of Israel.  He also happens to be very God of very God: undeniable Deity and sinless humanity welded as One forevermore.  What incredible news that is, wonderful, soul-saving— and to the nations of this Earth— kingdom-crushing News.
But there is another side to the Story.  The birth of Jesus was so much more than just a picturesque event in a quaint little town, witnessed and watched by a motley assortment of Temple animals, faithful shepherds, and magi from afar.  That much you already know.  What you may not know is what unfolded according to Revelation 12:1-7: this was the moment of the Great Invasion, of Eternity into Time, of Creator into the realm of Creation, our God choosing to take upon Himself the mantle of human weakness {a physical body} and defeat Satan on his own turf.  As author Phillip Yancey has said, it was “a daring raid by the Ruler of the forces of good into the Universe’s seat of evil.”  This is no ‘silent night’ for the enemies of God; this is D-Day times infinite.
The angels appearing this night were the angelic Armies {the ‘Hosts of Heaven’} passing in review as their King, Creator, and Commander lay crying in the fodder— Luke 2:13-14.  The apostle John tells us, “the Son of God appeared for this purpose [‘this’ sole and solitary ‘purpose’]: to destroy the works of the devil” {1 Jn. 3:8b}.  I.e., to go to War for those He loved {4:19}, to battle for the hearts of men {Isa. 61:1} and to offer us the Gift of Life— both eternal and abundant {1 Jn. 3:1-2}.
My prayer, as the shepherd of a flock I deeply, deeply love, is that this be ever present in our minds as we live out our days in a World long at War.  One half of our lives is the physical, the temporal, and the visible; the other half, which the Word enjoins us to accept as the real half, the weighty half, the most crucial component of reality, is the spiritual, the Eternal, the invisible.  We must choose to live every moment with one foot in each, simultaneously in both the temporal and the eternal, with the latter dominating the former.  And we must rivet the eyes of our hearts on the glorious Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.  For the Mission He came to accomplish, my Brothers-in-Arms, is a done deal: “It is finished” forevermore! {Jn. 19:10}.  The Battle has been won and the Ultimate Victory {His Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension} already achieved.  Don’t ever forget this.  We are what He isVictorious!  If you will choose to ‘wage war’ from that position, neither you nor your life will ever be the same.
May the blessing of His grace, the peace of His presence, and the power of His Life rest upon you, your family, and your ministry to a fallen world full of broken people.  The year which lies before us is full of promise and of hope for those who live in the Light of Jesus’ Love.  May we embrace it, and all its opportunity, like we embrace our Lord …with the passion and hunger of a long-awaited Lover.  Amen and amen. 

Ric Webb  |  Shepherd
Heart’s Journey Community
9621 Tall Timber Blvd. |  Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296 |
Heart’s Journey – where the Word and the Spirit are one.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Service Sets the Example.

Gandhi once said, “The best way to ‘find yourself’ is to ‘lose yourself’ in the service of others.”  Jesus paints an even stronger picture.  Mark 8:34— “Then He called the crowd to Him along with His Disciples and said, ‘If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself....”  ‘Denial of self’ is a completely different animal than ‘self-denial.’  This is not a minuscule matter of one fewer cupcake after dinner so your daughter will have some left for the kids in her class tomorrow up ice-cream for Lent, or alcohol for Easter.  And the next phrase shows it.  “And take up his cross and follow Me.”  The “cross” is not an instrument of inconvenience, the cross is an instrument of death!  ‘Take up your cross’ is not a way of saying, “Gut it out in your marriage.  Grit through your physical pains and sufferings.  Endure this present economic hardship.”  That is ridiculous.  And not only this, it’s a slap in the face of the Son of God, who suffered and died on Calvary’s cross so you and I could be free from sin, Satan, darkness and death forever!
In John 12:24 Jesus told a group of Greeks who were seeking an audience with Him, “The man who loves his life [‘Who clings to it and all it offers him with everything he has... instead of surrendering it willingly to the Lord of All Life’] will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for Life Eternal.  Whoever serves Me must follow Me; and where I am, My Servant also will be.  My Father will honor the one who serves Me” {vv. 25-26}.
This is crucial to the Life of the Kingdom: Humility is essential to effective service in the Kingdom of Grace.  It’s the truest expression of submission and surrender to an authority above your own, to someone greater than self.  Humility is a stance of the heart.  You’ve either chosen it as one of the Paths of Life, or you’re living out of arrogance and ego: constantly on the defensive, always looking for the negative {all you ‘pessimists’ out there!}, ever-observant of the faults, flaws and failures of others {and quick to point them out while simultaneously ignoring your own}, quick to speak, quick to condemn, slow to hear and slow to forgive {sound familiar?}, easily offended by the slightest change in your situation, ever-ready to judge those ‘wicked sinners’ who are so much more broken than you.  Well, maybe they are... and maybe they aren’t.  Maybe they’re just more honest about how deeply their hearts ache for this world to be made right, for their King and His Kingdom to finally come!
Live long enough and you’ll come to realize every person has something to offer; every single human being has gifts and abilities.  But you, my friends, as Children of the Most High, have supernatural gifts to offer a world which desperately needs them!  Jesus said to His Apprentices, “The greatest among you will be your servant” {Matt. 23:11}.  Now listen close.  Service sets the example for others.  Self-pity, on the other hand— the bitter belief that you’re not being served enough, ‘no one is serving me!’— is a heart-killer!  Anytime, all the time.  In the words of Navy SEAL Dr. Eric Greitens, “When people are able to look beyond themselves and be of service to others, they actually become stronger....  Winners step outside themselves and remember there are people to their left and to their right counting on them to be strong.”  Let me reframe this.  “Overcomers {Rev. 1-3} step outside themselves, their own pain and self-pity, their self-hatred and self-absorption, and remember there are fellow-warriors to their left and to their right counting on them to trust in the essential goodness of God, and to ‘be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power’” {Eph. 6:10}.  Amen.

Ric Webb  |  Shepherd
Heart’s Journey Community
9621 Tall Timber Blvd. |  Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296 |
Heart’s Journey – where the Word and the Spirit are one.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A SEAL’s Wisdom.

On Service to Those Around Us.
In the words of former Navy SEAL Dr. Eric Greitens, “When people are able to look beyond themselves and be of service to others, they actually become stronger.  Winner step outside themselves and remember there are people to their left and to their right counting on them to be strong.”  I would reframe this slightly as, “Overcomers step outside themselves, their own pain and self-pity, their self-hatred and self-absorption, and remember there are fellow-warriors to their left and to their right counting on them to trust in the essential goodness of God, and to ‘be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power’ {Eph. 6:10}.”
On Community.
“Community creates the structure around you to keep you alive, to strengthen and encourage you in living a life of purpose.”
On Confronting Fear, Pain, and Suffering.
“By repeatedly confronting your fears, you gain courage; by repeatedly confronting your pains, you gain strength; by repeatedly confronting your sufferings, you gain wisdom.”
Considering how compasses operate, and how a slight change of one or two degrees can navigate you to a radically different place, Greitens speaks of the importance of allowing our character to evolve in the moment by being willing to do the hard thing right in front of us.  Small or large, to do the hard thing now forges character; it shapes who we are; it leads to perseverance!  “Every time in your life you make a decision to confront your fears, to overcome your pain, to face your suffering, your character evolves.”
On the Power of Motive.
“If you have the right why... you can make it through any how!”

Ric Webb  |  Shepherd
Heart’s Journey Community
9621 Tall Timber Blvd. |  Little Rock, AR 72204
t +1.501.455.0296 |
Heart’s Journey – where the Word and the Spirit are one.